The Blue Envelope

Valpak stands out as the most effective direct mail program in the world. With Marketing Consultants that draw insights from successful campaigns specific to your industry, we ensure the ideal balance of frequency and reach by suggesting the most optical ad format, and enticing offers. 

Reasons Why Valpak Works

  1. Valpak offers have a long shelf life. Nearly two thirds of Valpak consumers keep their offers at least one month.
  2. reaches Internet-savvy shoppers looking for the best values.
  3. Valpak consumers are upscale, educated professionals — a quality audience with discretionary dollars to spend. The average Valpak household income is 28% higher than average.
  4. Valpak is a leader in direct mail with nearly 40 years of marketing experience in building successful advertising campaigns based on proven best practices.
  5. You can select from a variety of format options, including coupons, flyers, postcards, and more to fit your product, message, and budget.
  6. The Valpak national promotions program builds consumer excitement and anticipation around every mailing.
  7. National and local advertising on TV, radio, outdoor, and the Internet reminds consumers of the savings in the familiar blue envelope.
  8. Valpak is the most recognized direct mail program there is. Nearly nine in 10 adults receiving Valpak® open it and look through the offers.
  9. There’s no wasted coverage with our targeted mailing zones. You can mail locally or across North America.
  10. Pre-approved programs with national companies make it easy for you to access the latest artwork or co-op templates to create a customized direct mail campaign.