
  • By conducting geographic and demographic analysis, we have pinpointed the local households that are most likely to boost your sales.
  • Mailing the PlusOne card together with Valpak ensures reduced postage rates, eliminates list costs and marketing waste, and ultimately enhances the return on your postcard investment.
  • Both Valpak and the PlusOne card feature imprinted address and postal barcodes, making it possible to track their delivery.
  • The ability to track response separately from other media campaigns is facilitated through call tracking, tracking URLs, and the use of unique offer codes.
  • The comprehensive service includes list compilation, addressing, processing, creative design and artwork, printing, and postage.

Event Postcards

Choose the local ZIP codes, quantity of postcards, and life event, then we will deliver customized messaging to a new audience each month. We will find and mail to the houses experiencing special events such as:

  • New Homeowners
  • New Movers
  • Birthdays
  • Medicare